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The Laws of the World
Tri Dimensional Chess Federation

  1. The game objective
    1. The game of Tri Dimensional Chess consists of two opposing players, alternately taking turns moving playing pieces (hereafter referred to as a 'piece') or parts of the board (hereafter referred to as an 'attack board'), to different locations, on multiple, square patterned stages, arranged in a specific configuration (hereafter referred to as the 'board').
    2. Each piece may be categorised as a specific type and as such, assigned a certain pattern of movement allowable each turn.
    3. Following these patterns of movement, pieces may be moved to occupy the square, on the same level, already occupied by an opponent’s piece. In which case the opponent’s piece is removed from play to afford the occupation and is said to be 'taken'.
    4. If any move results in allowing a piece to take the opponents 'king' piece (hereafter referred to as a 'king'), the opponent is said to be in 'check'.
    5. A player in check is required to perform a movement to render his king no longer in check, on his subsequent move.
    6. A player in check who is unable to render his king no longer in check on his subsequent move, is said to be in 'check mate' and his opponent has won the game.
    7. If any subsequent move by either opponent is deemed illegal but neither player is in check, the game is said to be a 'stalemate' and the game result is a draw.
    8. The game may also be declared a stalemate, by mutual consent of both players should it be deemed impossible for either side to win by checkmate.
  2. The game board
    1. The board consists of three squares (hereafter referred to as 'levels'), each with the upper surface subdivided into four ranks and four files. The subdivisions are alternately coloured black and white to produce a chequered pattern.
    2. The three levels are suspended one above the other and horizontally offset by exactly half its width, in such a way as to place half of the squares on any board directly over or under half the squares on the next level above or below.
    3. Each level is oriented as to present the same coloured square directly above or below the correlating square under or over the level.
    4. A plan view of the appropriately arranged levels and allowing for the offset of exactly half of each board renders a chequered pattern eight squares long and four squares wide. These correlate to eight ranks and four files.
    5. Four additional levels subdivided into two ranks and two files, are suspended above the extreme outside corners of both the lowest placed and the highest placed levels (hereafter referred to as an 'attack board'). These too are coloured with a matching chequered pattern and oriented to have the square over lapping the corner of its adjoining level match the colour of that corner square.
    6. Each attack board may be later repositioned and suspended in the same manner over all four corners of any level.
  3. The pieces
    1. Each player starts the game with a total of sixteen pieces, comprising one king, one queen, two bishops, two knights, two rooks and eight pawns.
      The laws governing the movement of the pieces are as follows.
    2. The king
      The king may move one square in an orthogonal or diagonal direction on a single move.
      To take an opponents piece, it moves onto the square occupying the piece.
      The king may never make a move that allows it to be taken by an opponent’s piece in the subsequent move. Placing a king into check is an illegal move.
      The king may perform a move referred to as ‘Castling’ by either replacing the rook on the outside rear square of the kings attack board and relocating the rook to the king’s corner square of the king’s starting level or moving the king to the inside rear corner of the queen’s attack board and moving the queen’s rook to the queen’s starting position provided the following conditions are met:
      1. Neither the king, the rook nor the attack board involved have previously moved in the game.
      2. The king is not currently in check.
      3. The rook is not in a position to be taken on the next move.
      4. The intervening knight, bishop and if appropriate the queen have been moved and all of their starting positions are vacant.
      5. Stopping on the destination square does not cause the king to be in check.
    3. The queen
      The queen may move in a single direction, orthogonally or diagonally until it is stopped by another piece, takes an opponent’s piece or reaches the edge of the board.
    4. The bishop
      A bishops may move in a single diagonal line until it is stopped by another piece, takes an opponent’s piece or reaches the edge of the board.
    5. The knight
      A knight may move orthogonally a single square and then diagonally a single away from its position at the start of the move.
      The knight’s movement is not impeded by any other pieces occupying any intermediate squares and may move provided the destination square is unoccupied.
    6. The rook
      A bishops may move in a single orthogonally line until it is stopped by another piece, takes an opponent’s piece or reaches the edge of the board.
    7. The pawn
      Pawns may only move orthogonally forward, towards the opposing side of the board, one square in a single move with the following exceptions:
      1. A pawn may not move forward, towards the opponent’s board edge, orthogonally onto a square occupied by an opponent’s piece. If a square diagonally forward of the pawn’s current square is occupied by an opponent’s piece, the pawn may make a forward diagonal move and take the opponent’s piece.
      2. If a pawn has not previously been moved in the game, it may be moved forward two squares on its first move.
        In subsequent moves it may then only be moved one square per move.
      3. If, subsequent to a pawn’s initial move of two squares an opposing pawn makes a forward diagonal move to an unoccopied square, on any level, directly behind the pawn making its initial move, the pawn making its initial move is taken and removed from play. This move is referred to as taking ‘En passant’.
        Where the pawn, making its initial move, changes level, the pawn making the en passent move must terminate its move on an unoccupied square. One of which must exist for the pawn making its initial move to pass through.
      If a pawn’s move results in it reaching the very furthest point on the opposite side of the board, it may be immediately replaced with a piece of its owner’s choice of any other type of piece except a king.
      The furthest point is considered to be the rear ranks of the attack boards at the extreme rear corners of the opposing player's starting edge.
      Where an attack board is not present, the furthest point is considered to be the rear rank of the opponent's starting level.
      A pawn on an attack board may move the entire attack board as its move providing the attack board is otherwise unoccupied.
      An attack board move may be orthagonally to an adjecent corner on the same level or forwards or backwards to the nearest pin or one of the two nearest pins on an adjacent level.
      During the move, an attack board may be rotated 180°
      An attack board move may never cause the pawn to move backwards towards the player's starting edge, this includes moving the attack board sideways whilst rotating it 180° so as to position the pawn one rank backwards.
      A pawn on the front rank of an attack board moving to an extreme rear corner of the opponent's starting level may be immeadiately promoted.
      An attack board located at either of a player's extreme rear corners may not be moved if the corner is also occupied by an opponent's pawn, so as not to cause the opponent's pawn to be immediately promoted.
  4. Setting up
    1. Each player places their pieces on the two most extreme outside ranks of squares on their respective levels.
    2. A bishop is placed in each end of the rear most file, with a king and on the squares between them, the queen being placed on a square of the same colour.
    3. A pawn is placed on each of the four squares of the second rank of each player's starting level.
    4. A rook is placed on each of the extreme outside rear corners of both attack boards on the player's level.
    5. A knight is placed on the inside squares of the attack board, adjacent to the rooks.
    6. Two pawns are placed on the second rank of each of the attack boards on the player's level.
  5. Moving across levels
    1. Squares are considered to be the same position as those located directly above or below with regard to horizontal movement.
      A piece may change levels providing the horizontal path conforms to the piece’s legal move, irrespective of its vertical movement.
    2. To move a piece to a different level, the piece is first moved along its horizontal path.
      At any intermediate point on the path the piece may be repositioned to an unoccupied square directly above or below the very next square on the path and the horizontal move continued.
      The intermediate point may include the starting square or the destination square.
    3. Any number of levels may be traversed but only ever in one direction.
      Once the piece has left a level, it may not return to that level in the same move.
    4. Attack boards are considered to be at the same level as the main board they are positioned on, with regard to determining vertical direction of travel.
    5. A piece may leave the edge of a level or attack board if there is an unoccupied square directly above or below the hypothetical square the piece has moved to, this then becomes the square the piece continues its horizontal move on.