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The Tri Dimensional Chess Federation
Modern Slavery Statement

Published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, this statement outlines the steps taken by The Tri Dimensional Chess Federation to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking throughout our merchandising supply chains.

The Tri Dimensional Chess Federation continues to commit to providing customers with goods that have been produced in decent and safe working conditions, lawfully, through fair and honest dealings and without exploiting the people who made them.

The Tri Dimensional Chess Federation has a code of conduct and an ethical supplier policy. We require all of our suppliers to conform to this code, which applies to manufacturers and any other individual involved in supplying goods through The World Tri Dimensional Chess Federation. Our Code is designed to be fair, achievable, easy to check and to promote the ongoing development of our suppliers. The World Tri Dimensional Chess Federation strives to ensure compliance throughout the lower tiers of the supply chain.

The Tri Dimensional Chess Federation are committed to continuing to address and minimise the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within our supply chain. We will continue to review our policies and processes throughout the next financial year. Our merchandising teams will continue to monitor the suppliers and manufactorers for continued conformity and are committed to continuing increased transparency within our supply chain.